Saturday, June 21, 2008

10 Months Old!

Nathan was 10 months old on the 13th. I'm behind on my pictures because I left my camera battery charger in Disney, and I used the last of the battery right when we got back. So I've been without a camera for a while. I'm using Mom and Dad's until my charger is mailed. But better late than never right?

Nathan weighs 21 lbs now and is about 29 inches tall. He has 3 teeth (2 bottom and 1 side) and is getting the top two teeth in too. I feel like he is changing so much, and every day it seems that he gets better at a new skill or does something completely different.

What Nathan is doing:
opening any drawer or door
walking while someone holds his hands
walking with his push toy
clapping and waving
eating all new foods
waking up in the middle of the night :(
cuddles with his blankie
crawls up and down steps
babbles non-stop
standing on his head and feet and looking between his legs (still trying to get a picture of this)
Oh and chewing on his crib! There are teeth marks on two sides!

Here are two videos of him using his push toy. I'm so amazed at how fast he mastered this!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Happy 10 month birthday Nater-tot! You are doing so many things's amazing!!! I can't wait to see what you do next! Love you!!!