Friday, June 20, 2008

Playdate at Mimi's

As soon as we got back from Disney World, Nathan was invited to play at Mimi's house (a friend from Gymboree). It's really fun to watch Nathan play in a big group now that he's crawling. He just moves himself around all on his own and is pretty independent. But there are times that he doesn't care who or what is in his way. He has been known to bulldoze a few kids to get to a toy, but he doesn't know any better right?

Nate loves his walker at home so when he found this one, it was all he wanted to play with. The only problem was that several other kids felt the same way. So they got pretty sneaky in trying to take it from each other!

A room full of babies! Everyone was actually really happy and easy going.

"Mommy, will you be my lookout?"

"Yay! The walker is mine AGAIN!"

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Auntie Carrie and Uncle Chris will get you another walker for your birthday....we already know what we're going to get you! I had fun seeing you last week. You are just the sweetest baby boy ever. Love you!!!