This is the Everest ride that I was dying to go on. It's new and was supposed to be extremely scary!
Carrie and Alexandra waiting to go on the roller coaster. It was the best ride at the park! It was so scary and so much fun. Since we got there early, we didn't have to wait in line long so we did this one twice!
After Everest, we all went on the Roaring Rapids ride. Who do you think got soaked? Me, Wayne, and Mom! In retrospect, we should have done this one last :)
While we were walking around, we saw this man playing his instruments. We stopped to watch and Alexandra and Robert were chosen to help him play!
Nathan just smile and laughed the whole time!
And then he got to participate too!
And then Mom was chosen to help...
And even Wayne! Mom, Alexandra and Robert just had to play their instruments, but he made Wayne dance! I have a video, but I had to promise not to show it :)
When we stopped for lunch, these guys were doing an acrobatic performance and chose Alexandra to do the Limbo! Wayne and Mom were sure not to get to close for fear they'd be chosen to participate again!
We then headed over to the safari. I was so excited about this because I really thought Nathan would like it and like seeing all of the animals, but he fell asleep while Carrie was holding him. Big surprise huh?
The rest of us loved seeing all of the animals: elephants, hippos, rhino, giraffes, crocodiles, and tons more.
To end the day, Robert and Alexandra helped Wayne and I take Nathan on one more ride. It was a dinosaur ride that was pretty much like the Dumbo ride, but Nathan had just as much fun.
We spent that night getting all of our stuff packed up and organized. And then Carrie and I played "Beauty Shop" with the girls. Carrie straightened their hair with her fancy flat iron and then I french braided it.
Don't they look so sweet? They're like models! Our whole family had so much fun and we think Mama and Papa are so generous to treat us to such a wonderful vacation. The only bad thing about the trip was having to say good bye after having such a good trip. We'll just have to do it again!!!!
Oh and Nathan slept the whole way back too!
Looks like you all had such a good time. Nate is SO CUTE!! I can't wait to see him.
I miss Disney World!!! I loved looking at all the pics!
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