Monday, July 21, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

Today Nathan and I stayed home all day because he's got a cold. I was kind of sad about missing Gymboree, but I thought I'd use the day to get caught up on household chores like laundry and cleaning. Well, Nathan played with his toys for a little while and then I guess he got bored. I had just folded some laundry and was putting it up when I went into his room to find this...

"I don't really use these anymore."

"Let's see here, what else is in this drawer?"

"Oh, and this outfit doesn't fit me anymore, Mommy really needs to put this away."

"I don't think I've ever even worn these shorts."

"Mommy! You scared me! I was just...uhhhh...looking through my drawers..."

"Come on, don't be mad, these really weren't folded that neatly anyway. I was just trying to help you get organized."

Thanks Nate! You're a huge help!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Wow Nate, you are a great helper! Wanna come to Austin and help me organize my drawers???