Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Parnell Family Reunion

Last Thursday we took a road trip to Hot Springs Arkansas for the annual Parnell Family Reunion. We were so excited to take Nathan this year to show him off. Wayne has such a large family that there were lots of kids for Nathan to play with and so many people to give him the attention he loves!
Nathan with his cousins, Landon, Logan, and Lexa (crawling away).

Nathan with Uncle Stuart (Wayne's brother). "This is my very own toothbrush Uncle Stu."

"Oooooh, you kids are getting a bit rowdy."

Grandmother was such a lifesaver on the trip. She loved watching her sweet grandchildren while we socialized. We even got to sleep in!
Tiffany, my sister-in-law with Nathan and Lexa.

On Friday, we went to a beach area for Nathan to play in the sand and swim.

He loved touching the sand and digging his hands and feet into it. I was happily surprised that he didn't try to eat it...although he did try to eat a few sticks and leaves :)
"Ok Mommy, I won't splash you anymore."

Me, Nathan, and Aunt Carrie

After a day of swimming, Carrie, Tiffany, and I took the babies into Hot Springs for lunch and to walk around the downtown. Obviously, this was a long day for you know who.

With a double stroller, we got lots of sweet looks. I think everyone thought they were twins. They're pretty close to it...only 3 days apart!

Nate woke up as soon as we got to lunch. Our little one never misses a meal! He and Lexa just talked back and forth during lunch and even shared snacks! That's Nathan's new thing, he likes to hand his food out :)

What was really nice about the house we stayed in was that there was a huge downstairs living area. This was designated as the "Kid Zone." Nathan always had plenty of attention and plenty of kids to play with.

This is actually one of the quieter times. Normally the living room had toys and kids EVERYWHERE!

Aunt Carrie and Nathan relaxing before bedtime.
To end the weekend, Saturday night was our family auction. This is only the 2nd time we've done it, but it was a huge success. Everyone brings items whether they're family heirlooms or sports memorabilia, or just anything that someone else may want. We bid on the items and then any money made goes towards next year's reunion.

Here's a group shot of most of us getting ready to start the bidding.

Darien, was our auctioneer, and was a real pro! He can even do the fast talking! We laughed and laughed during this time because we would bid on a few items and then Darien would stop to tell a funny family story. My mouth was so sore afterwards from laughing and smiling!

We had so much fun, and I am so lucky to be part of such a wonderful and loving family.

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