Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wiggly Center

Our newest thing is going to a place called the Wiggly Center. It's an indoor play area that has inflatable areas, soft play stuff, climbing areas, slides, etc... Well, with all of these cool things to try, guess what was Nathan's favorite thing....

The car! He crawled in and out constantly! But after he got bored with the car, he went all over the place. One bad thing though was that Nathan would want to crawl into the tunnels or up the slides. But I couldn't let him go up there by himself so I had to crawl after him. It was kind of scary to be in tunnels way off the ground (surrounded by kids) but Nathan had so much fun and was really adventurous. It really was neat to see him want to go off and explore. So I give The Wiggly Center a thumbs up!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I know what Santa needs to get Nate for Christmas!!!!