Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Go Hogs!

We spent the New Year rooting for the Razorbacks! Wayne and Chris wanted to go to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis to watch Arkansas play, so Carrie and I decided to go too. We left New Year's Eve morning and drove to Little Rock where we stayed with Chris's parents (Wayne's aunt and uncle). The drive to Little Rock is about 5 hours, but it flew by...Wayne and Chris took turns driving while Carrie and I sat in the back and watched movies!

Once we got to LR, we talked and ate a great steak dinner. Then we waited for midnight...it's funny how different our New Year's Eve nights are compared to college or even 5 years ago :) We watched the ball drop in Times Square, and as soon as that happened, we had a glass of champagne (I took a little sip), had a kiss, and off to bed we went :)

The next morning, we slept in, had breakfast, and then headed to Memphis. Once we got there, we checked into out hotel on Beal Street and waited for Chris and Wayne's cousin, Darrien and his wife, Jennifer.

Wayne, me, Carrie, Chris, Darrien, and Jennifer. We went out to eat at the Rendezvous which serves the best BBQ. The wait was an hour long, but it was entertaining. There were tons of Arkansas fans there, and the guys led the whole restaurant in calling the hogs several times! We even met Matt Jones there (previous quarterback for Arkansas).

Darrien, Wayne, Chris

After eating dinner, we went to the Peabody Hotel where all of the players were staying. I think every Razorback fan was there too! We went to the roof to see the famous ducks and then, on our way down, we got off on the wrong floor. There was a fancy dinner going on with tons of people in tuxes and evening gowns. As we were walking to the stairs, Wayne stops and says, "That's Frank Broyles!" The guys all stopped to shake his hand and talk to him. I wasn't really sure who he was at the time, but it turns out he was a former coach and Athletic Director at Arkansas.

Jennifer, who walked up a little later and also had no idea who he was, saw the guys talking to him and went up to him and said, "Are you an Arkansas fan?" It was so funny! Mr. Broyles was really nice and said, "I sure am." :)

The next day we got to the stadium early and tailgated. Chris's parents, Wayne's brother, and another uncle of theirs also came. It was freezing though so we spent half the time in the cars warming up. The wind chill was 15 degrees! Luckily, Wayne and Chris told us how cold it was going to be so we were prepared. I had on my long underwear top and bottoms, jeans, long sleeve shirt, wool sweater, wool socks, scarf, ski mittens, glove liners, ski hat, and a HUGE red down coat with an even bigger hood. I could hardly move, but I was definitely warm!

The game was exciting, and the guys were all in great moods since Arkansas won in overtime! I really wanted to take pictures of us all bundled up, but that would have meant I had to take my gloves off :)


Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

I love your little pregnant belly!!

Carrie said...

Ash, I had so much fun with you at the game! It was sooooo cold, but we bundled up! Love you!!!