Monday, January 4, 2010

Nathan's New Big Boy Room

As part of Nathan's Christmas presents, Wayne's mom, my parents, and Carrie, all got Nathan pieces of the bedding that Wayne and I chose to re-do his room. Since the new baby is coming in May, we decided to go ahead and move the crib and furniture to the baby's room and give Nathan a big boy room.

The new baby will use all of Nathan's previous furniture, and Nathan is using my dad's furniture from when he was a little boy. Isn't that so neat?! He has a new twin bed, night stand, and dresser. What is amazing is the condition of my dad's furniture from when he was little. It is perfect and looks so great in Nathan's room.

We chose a camping theme for his room, and it came out better than I had imagined. He even has a tent to go over his bed which he loves sleeping in!

We chose not to put box springs on the bed so that it is lower to the ground in case he does fall out (luckily, that hasn't happened yet).

You can see my dad's dresser on the right, and it even has a little mirror to go on top! After taking this picture, I put bear paw prints going up the wall to the left of his name. That really made the wall above his bed look cute. I'll probably re-paint the letters of his name, but haven't gotten that far yet.

Nathan's bookshelf...I forgot to take pictures of the side, but there are bear footprints going up the side also.

Nathan really loves having a lamp in his room that he can turn on and off :)

Nathan loves that we were able to put his train table in his room.

This is the picture above Nathan's train table.

While we were cleaning out Nathan's room, we found his Mickey Mouse hat. This is now his new favorite hat!
Wayne and I worked non-stop the day after Christmas from the time we got up until 9:00 that night. We completely re-arranged three rooms upstairs. We had to move the furniture from the guest room next to Nathan's room to the OTHER guest room, move Nathan's furniture into the guest room (which will now be the baby's room), get that room set up, then move my dad's furniture from the garage into Nathan's room. After we were able to get the new nursery and Nathan's room set up, we then had to re-organize our 2nd guest room. And we were doing all of this while still having to take care of Nathan! Although Nathan was really good for us on this day. He helped us when he could and then took an extra long nap in our bed! We got a ton done during that time!
I feel so relieved that we have all of these rooms finished. The nursery pretty much looks like Nathan's old room, but already looks more girly because the walls are light yellow instead of blue. I still have to put some finishing touches on it, and then I'll post more pictures.


Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

just precious!!!

Kelly said...

Ashley, I absolutely love his room. By the way, his smile makes me smile! It's like his eyes smile too. He's just so cute! Hope you're pregnancy is going well. You're in our prayers.

Kelly said...

Ashley, I absolutely L-O-V-E his room! I also adore his smile. It makes me smile. It's like his eyes smile too. Hope you're pregnancy is going well. You're in our prayers.

Carrie said...

Nathan, your room is so CUTE! I love the tent on your bed. I'm so proud of you for sleeping in your big boy bed all night....well most of the time :-) Love you!!!
~Auntie Carrie