Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

On Saturday night, we decided to take Nathan to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. It was a busy day though because we had one more Oscar movie to see before the Academy Awards on Sunday night. So Wayne and I went to the movies at 3:30 and then came home to take Nathan out to eat. Our friends, Alison and Shawn and Dan and Haewon were taking their kids too, but since we went to the movies, we got there just as they were leaving. Nathan had time to play a few games with Lauren though.

Nathan loved ski ball! When Nathan wasn't able to roll the ball all the way up the ramp, he resorted to either throwing it or trying to run up!

Nathan caught on to the idea of putting tokens in, and pulling tickets out, very quickly! In fact, I had to watch him closely or he'd keep putting one token in after another :)

Nathan and Daddy racing...this was his FAVORITE game...really he just loved crashing :)

With this game, you were supposed to use the "hammer" to hit the lights on the screen. He started out standing and playing the game, and then realized he could do much better by sitting on the game :)

Nathan had a blast that night, but I have to tell you Wayne and I decided we can do without Chuck E Cheese for another two years! It's a kid's dream, but a parent's nightmare...there are just WAY too many kids and people running around, not to mention the germs I felt I could see on all of the games :) But I'm glad my baby had fun, and I'm sure we'll take him back sooner than 2 years (maybe one and a half years).

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Nathan, your mommy and I used to LOVE to go to Chuck E. Cheese...actually, it was called Showbiz Pizza back then. We only got to go a few times, but we loved it. I can tell you loved it, too! I bet your parents spent a fortune :-)