Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Bunny Photo Shoot

On Friday afternoon, I took Nathan to Studio One to One to get his Easter picture taken. He was so excited to go because he was going to get to hold a REAL bunny. Giving him a bath, getting him dressed and out the door was so easy because all he wanted to do was hold that bunny! He even let me do my own little photo shoot before we left!

Nathan was a perfect angel at the studio! He followed directions perfectly and never fussed. I was so proud of him! What I loved watching the most was when the photographer brought in the baby bunny (she did some pictures of just him in the beginning). Nathan was so sweet and gentle with it. And he talked and talked to her. He kept telling me and the photographer, that he loved HIS bunny :)
Every single picture was so great, it was so hard to pick which ones I wanted! I ordered two of them so as soon as they come in, I'll put them on the blog.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Could this little boy be any CUTER????? I don't think so! He is my sweet little guy. Nathan, I can't wait to see you in just another week. I will take you back to the safari store when I come!