Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 Day Vacation with Daddy

Nathan and I got completely spoiled this last weekend. Wayne hasn't taken a personal day in a long time and decided to take off Monday and Tuesday. So we had the whole weekend together, plus an extra two days! We made those days all about Nathan! We went to the park several times, flew a kite, went to the toy store, went to the zoo, and ate dinner at Great Wolf Lodge. One thing I love is that Wayne has been taking Nathan on his runs with him. He puts Nathan in the jogging stroller and runs to a nearby park. Then the two of them play there and run back. It gives me a good hour of alone time!

On Sunday night, we went to The Great Wolf Lodge to eat dinner and walk around to see what it was like. It's a huge kid resort that is only 25 minutes away from us. The neatest part about Great Wolf is that it has an indoor water park! Nathan loved running around and exploring and watching the kids play in the water. We think we'll go back for Nathan's 3rd birthday to spend the night and try out the water park.

On Monday morning, Wayne took Nathan on a run and to the park while I got ready and packed a picnic lunch for us. Then we drove to the Ft. Worth zoo. It was a perfect day because it was cloudy and not too hot. Nathan was so excited to see all of the animals! We took the stroller in to carry our stuff, but Nathan just ran around on his own. I loved seeing him having so much fun!

Looking at the gorillas.

The monkeys were Nathan's favorites, especially these. They were so playful and would swing from one vine to another and knock each off of the vines or rocks!

After watching the monkeys, Nathan pretended to be one the whole rest of the day! He would climb onto benches and jump off or just run around making the "ooh ooh, ahh ahh" noises :)

This is where Nathan climbed into one of those photo booths :)


This was my favorite part. We went into this bird area where you buy a stick of bird seed and feed the birds that are flying around you.

Nathan loved feeding the birdies, and would be so happy when one would fly onto the stick :)
After seeing all of the animals, we had a great lunch and then headed home. Nathan was exhausted and was asleep in the car before we got onto the highway...which meant his nap that day was a car nap. I tried to lay him down in his room when we got home so that Wayne and I could have our own naps, but Nathan woke up and was ready to do something else!
We had so much fun having Daddy all to ourselves, and we were both sad when Tuesday was over. Nathan probably thinks I'm completely boring now that it's just me with him :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Wow! You had so much fun with Daddy! The Great Wolf Lodge looks like it would be so cool!