Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs with Jack

Nathan's friend, Jack, came over last weekend to color Easter Eggs. I think Jennifer and I were more excited about the boys coloring eggs than they were! What they really wanted to do was eat junk and run around!

Jack brought over some treats to share: marshmallow sticks and chocolate bunnies...yum!

"Jack, what are you eating over there?"

"When do you want to break out that bunny?"

"I don't know why our mommies think these marshmallow sticks are gross...I could eat 5 of them!"

Time to color eggs! Nathan and Jack spent about a total of 10 minutes together here at the table. The rest of the time they played chase, tag, golf, you name it, they did it! Nathan didn't quite get the concept of coloring eggs. As soon as we put the eggs into a coloring bowl, he wanted to take them right out and put them into another color. Or he tried to put two eggs in one bowl. Maybe next year, he'll be more into it :)

Jack and Nathan squeezed into the same car. They loved pushing each other around and then crashing into the fence :)

Time to hunt eggs! Nick and Wayne hid the eggs for the boys.

And the best part of all...opening the eggs. Needless to say, they didn't eat much of a lunch :) Their tummies were completely filled with nothing but sugar!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Candy....there's nothing better! I'm so glad you had fun with your friend, Jack!