Friday, June 11, 2010

Aunt Jen, Robert, and Alexandra Meet Charlotte

My sister, Jennifer and her kids, Robert and Alexandra, visited us this last week and saw Charlotte for the first time. Nathan was beyond excited to have his cousins come see him, and I loved having babysitters for the week! The only time I got to hold Charlotte was when I was feeding her!

Nathan, Robert, and Alexandra spent their first day together swimming in our pool and playing on Nathan's swingset...oh and running around the house playing tag :)

The next day, we went over to Mama and Papa's house. Mom fixed bacon and toast for the kids, and they gobbled it all up!

Jen cuddling with Charlotte.

Robert and Charlotte

Mama and Charlotte...I think this was one of the only times Mom got to have the baby to herself. Usually we call her the "Baby Hog" but with Jen, Alexandra, and Robert there, she had lots of competition!

Can you tell she's getting fatter? I love those cheeks! They're just like Nathan's was when he was a baby. She was so little when she was born, but now she's getting fat rolls!

Alexandra is going to be spending pretty much all of July here with her dad...I'm going to have my very own nanny! Alexandra, you can come over whenever you want!

Not only did Allie take great care of Nathan and Charlotte, she was also my photographer for the week :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Awww....I'm glad everyone had so much fun. It's probably good I wasn't there....sounds like there were several "baby hogs" there...ha! It'll be so great to have Alexandra there during July to help you.....just don't make her do the housework :-)