Saturday, June 12, 2010

Charlotte is 1 Month Old!

Since I couldn't decide which picture I liked better, I just put them both on here! Charlotte is 1 month old, and she is such a wonderful little baby. She is already growing so much! At her doctor's appointment, we found out that she weighs 9.12 lbs (75%), and is 21.3 in long (75%). She is just like her brother and loves to eat!

Although these first four weeks have been an adjustment for all of us, it hasn't been too hard of an adjustment. Nathan still loves her so much. He asks to see her every morning when he wakes up and is very concerned when he hears her crying. He still loves to hold, hug, and kiss her ALL THE TIME! We're working on giving her "gentle" kisses.

Charlotte is sleeping longer and longer at night. I feed her around 10:30, and she falls asleep at 11:00. She used to wake up around 3:00, but is now waking up closer to 4:30 a.m.! Once I feed her again, she'll go back to sleep until 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. I finally feel like I'm getting good sleep!


Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

I can't believe she is one month old already! And already bigger than the twins :). Can't wait to meet her this week! Love you!

Carrie said...

Happy one month birthday sweet baby girl!