We spent the first night finishing up Carrie's Christmas decorations, and then the next day, we went to Carrie's school to visit. Nathan was SOOOOOO cute there! He was not the least bit shy and was trying to act like he was one of the "big" 1st graders! He even got to participate in some of Auntie Carrie's lessons! And his favorite part was going to recess with them...all of the kids loved playing with him! All you had to do was look for the big herd of kids running around, and Nathan was right there in the middle of them :)
Charlotte was a good girl too...all she did was look happy and pretty and let everyone hold her :)
Here he is making a pattern with Fruit Loops...He loved using the glue and especially loved eating the leftovers!
Nathan loved playing in the loft...he took turns picking different kids to come up and play/read with him...he took that job very seriously!
Nathan, Charlotte, and I came home after lunch so that Nathan could take his nap...well, that didn't happen...he was too busy playing with Otis, so I let him skip it. When Carrie got home, we got her Christmas tree down and started to decorate it. Nathan was so excited to do this part!
After putting about two ornaments on the tree, he got worn out...he fell asleep on the couch around 6:00 (that's what happens when he skips his nap!) We tried to wake him up because I was afraid he wouldn't sleep well that night, but it was impossible!
But as soon as Uncle Chris got home, he got his second wind!
Doesn't the tree look pretty?!
Nathan and Otis
The next day, we got up bright and early and headed back to Carrie's school before we left town. Nathan did a reading group with the kids, went to recess again, and then said "Bye" and gave every single one of Carrie's students a hug before we hit the road :)
Charlotte with her admirers
I had sooo much fun with you, Nathan, and your baby sis, and your mommy! I loved having you in my classroom. You were such a good "student." The kids loved you, too! I will see you soon!
that's so gropss you can see his drool in the sleeping closeup!!! :P
hahaha <3 Allie
Papa and I thought NaNa and Charlotte fit right in with your class. Aunt Carrie you are the prettiest teacher I ever saw. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie
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