Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Poor Raccoon

This is another Wayne story. After Wayne's expensive business trip, he spent the next week presenting budgets to clients. It was a very big week for him. On Wednesday night, they were all having dinner at the Ritz Carlton. Since Wayne was going to go out to dinner that night, I decided to take Nathan and Charlotte to the park and the library late that afternoon. As we were getting in the car, Wayne called me and told me that he had forgotten his suit coat, which he had to have to go to the Ritz. So instead of going to the library, we had to drive to Wayne's office and deliver his coat. Thankfully we got there before Wayne's group was ready to leave for dinner! He was very thankful and told us to go someplace fun for dinner ourselves...what did Nathan and Charlotte choose? McDonalds! We actually had a really good time because we found a McDonalds that had an outside play area, and we were the only ones there. It was fun to be there just the three of us and let them play as long as they wanted. While Daddy was enjoying a nice juicy steak, we were enjoying some juicy nuggets, ha!

Wayne got home pretty late that night, and we were already in bed. The next morning, I took Nathan to school and, as we were driving out of the neighborhood, Nathan saw a dead raccoon. I thought it was a cat at first and was a bit relieved it was just a raccoon. Nathan was sad for the raccoon, and brought it up again that night with Daddy. While Nathan was taking a bath, Wayne let me in on a secret...he was the one who hit the raccoon! He said that when he was coming home from the Ritz the night before, he pulled into our neighborhood, and it ran right in front of him. It hit the front of the car, but he knew he didn't run OVER it. As he was driving to our house, he started wondering if it was ok or not and decided to turn around and go check on it. When he went back to the scene of the crime, he said he felt awful because not only was the raccoon laying on the road, a second raccoon (it's spouse) was there sniffing and nudging it! How sad is that?! Wayne thought, "You've got to be kidding me!" I told him, their nest of babies were probably in the grass...poor Wayne :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I'm going to call PETA on Wayne.