Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Swimming with Robert

This last weekend, Nathan was so excited that his cousin Robert was coming to swim with him. Robert is Jennifer's little boy. He wasn't able to come to Nathan's party, so Jen brought him up for a visit.

Nathan is having a little snack before Robert gets here. Look at those eyelashes!!!

And this one is so funny because you can kind of see his top teeth, but you can really see those cute little bottom ones.

Robert is so sweet to Nathan and they both loved to play together.

Papa and Nathan

Here's an action shot of Robert jumping into the pool.

"Papa, did you see that?!"

This move is called the "Monkey Crawl." He used to not be able to do it, but now he can hang on. We're working on being able to move down the wall while holding on.

Nathan, Papa, Jen, and Robert

Mama brought over some of her delicious sheet cake. Nathan knows a good thing when he sees it!

"Hey Papa, will you cut me a piece?"

"Right there, Papa...the big piece."

"Mmmmmm, that is so good!" It was so funny to watch Nathan because every time he took a bite, he kicked his feet back and forth and laughed. It was like that was the best thing he has ever tasted :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

LOVE all the new pics!!! Nate, I'm so glad you had fun with Robert! I know he loves teaching you how to do big-boy things!