Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bad Mommy

Last week was a week full of me being a complete klutz. We had a great weekend because Wayne took off Thursday and Friday so Nathan and I got to spend 4 full days with him, which we both loved. Even though we've been in our new house since last August, there were still things we needed to buy for it, but hadn't really had the time to shop. So we spent those four days getting caught up on our decorating. Nathan was such a trooper and loved running errands with us. When he saw one of us get our keys, he'd say, "Let's go!" We shopped but also spent tons of time playing with Nathan. Nathan loved being able to be with BOTH of us for so long! With that said, here are my klutzy moments:

First, the three of us were outside playing with the frisbee. We couldn't find the regular frisbee, so we were using one that's meant for Frisbee Golf. It's thicker and heavier than a regular one. I was doing so good with my throws, and decided to try to throw it a little harder and faster to Wayne since I was feeling so confident. Well, I totally caught Wayne off guard and it hit him right in the face and knocked off his glasses! There was a huge, red, diagonal line from his forehead to his cheek :(

Second, we bought an iron decoration to hang on the wall. After Nathan went to sleep Wayne centered it on the wall, and I was supposed to just tap in the nails. I stood on the ladder and tapped the first nail in and then gave the hammer to Wayne to finish it. When I started to tap in the second nail, I thought it was silly for me just to tap it in when I could go ahead and hit it all the way in and save a little know the 3 seconds it would take to hand the hammer off. So I tapped, tapped, and then hit it a little harder to finish it. Well, I totally didn't aim right and smashed Wayne's thumb. I won't tell you the words that came out of Wayne's mouth, but he was a bit frustrated with me to say the least.

Third, while Wayne and I were cleaning up, I accidentally bumped a side table and knocked over a heavy glass bowl. Luckily it didn't break...but that's only because its fall was broken by Wayne's foot! It landed right on his big toe, and his toenail is pretty much black. I'm pretty sure he's going to lose that nail. Again, you don't need to know what his reaction was :)

Fourth, this one is the worst and the one I hated myself for the most. On Sunday night, we were enjoying the end of our 4 day weekend. I just gave Nathan a bath and was bringing him downstairs to say good night to Wayne. He was riding on my back (something we always do) and as I was kneeling down to let him slide off, I completely lost my balance, fell over, and lost my grip on Nathan. I dropped him right on his head on the tile. Of course Nathan immediately started crying and I started screaming for Wayne. Because Wayne knows I completely freak out when Nathan gets hurt, he took him from me and tried to calm him down. I kept asking if he was ok. When Wayne finally showed me his head, he had this HUGE goose egg on his forehead above his eye that was already turning blue. Wayne took him outside to look at the birds, and Nathan finally stopped crying and was back to his old self again. I, on the other hand, could not stop crying. I felt so guilty. I can't stand for Nathan to get hurt, but at least he's never gotten hurt BECAUSE of me. This time, though, was completely my fault.

I couldn't bear to take a picture of him when the bruise first happened, but here's a picture of him a few days later (it's above his right eye). It's not that noticeable in the picture and is getting better every day. I was so worried that he knew I dropped him and was mad at me, but he still loves his mommy...even if I am a klutz

Look at that six pack!

Oh and I forgot to tell you that not only was I responsible for all of the accidents last weekend, but I also locked my keys in the car two days later! Luckily Nathan was not in the car :) Mom and I had gone to lunch, and when we got back to my car, I couldn't find my keys. When I looked inside the car, I found them laying next to Nathan's car seat. So we had to call my dad to come pick us up and take us back to their house. I then drove my mom's car to my house to get the spare key. But when I got to my house, I realized she didn't have a spare house key of mine. So I had to drive down to Wayne's office, get the key from him, drive back to their house, get Nathan, and then back to my car. I spent a full 3 hours in the car going back and forth. I know you lose your mind when you're pregnant, but is there such thing as "toddler brain"?


Mama Relle said...

I totally believe there is toddler brain...poor nay nay....glad he is alright...jack has a matching one under his left eye and it was due to my foot and his bed.

Carrie said...

Man! More like "Bad Wife" the way you beat Wayne up! I loved watching Nate play with the little boy in the mirror. So, now he has a new friend! So funny.