Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

This is the picture we had taken of Nathan a couple of weeks before Easter. Nathan LOVED the real bunnies and was pretty gentle with them this year. Last year I thought he was going to strangle them! He normally doesn't want to sit still long enough to have his picture taken, but I found that bribing him with suckers is really useful! I'm thinking he had a total of 3 suckers in an hour.

On Easter morning, Nathan woke up to find his Easter basket full of goodies! Since Nathan had already had tons of treats the week before at all of his Easter parties, we didn't fill his plastic eggs with anything on Easter morning. Well, Nathan knew that SOMETHING should be in those eggs. He shook one, opened, and when he found it was empty, threw it on the ground and went to the next one.

"Why would you give me Diego bubbles, if we can't blow them right now?!"

Nathan loves airplanes! Whenever we're outside, and he hears one, he gets so excited! He jumps up and down, points to the sky, and says, "airplane!" Not only did Nathan get bubbles, and an airplane, he also got a new baseball t-shirt to wear to our first baseball game of the season.

Daddy showed Nathan how to make it fly and how to do the sound effects. Mommy was saying Vroom, Vroom, but I was quickly corrected that a plane does not sound like a car :)

After playing with Nathan's toys, it was time to get ready for church. Nathan loves to watch his daddy get ready in the morning. Brushing teeth and shaving are his favorite things to watch!

How handsome is this little boy?! I especially loves his little shoes!

Mommy and Nathan

These are my two favorite boys!

Where's my kiss?

Nathan, Wayne, and Helen (Grandmother)

Nathan and Grandmother

Nathan with Mama and Papa

After church, we all came back to our house to eat lunch. We ate a pork tenderloin, salad, rolls, cream corn, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I am becoming quite the cook! My problem is that I can make a big meal for lots of people, but when it comes to making every day food for us, I'm not so good. But I'm learning!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love the picture of him with the little bunny. Sweet little boy you have there. :)