Saturday, October 17, 2009

Visiting Grandma

Nathan loves our visits to Grandma's apartment. He has his own little routines that he goes through every time. First of all, he puts a smile on all of the faces of Grandma's friends. They love to see him coming, and he is always so cheerful and playful with them.

This is the apartment down the hall from Grandma's. They always have something interesting sitting outside of their door that Nathan loves to play with. For a while, they had bunnies. Now they have clowns :) One time, Nathan was playing with the bunnies when the couple opened the door because they heard us talking. Nathan said "Hi!" and walked right in, making himself at home!

After playing with the clowns down the hall, we spend a good 5 minutes chasing him up and down the hall! He loves running in these halls and has to get that done first before he'll go into Grandma's apartment.

Here's Mama trying to corral him.

"Me-Maw, it's your favorite great grandson, Nay-nay!" Nathan still calls Grandma Me-Maw which I think is the funniest thing. In his mind, he is saying "Grandma" because if I ask him if he wants to go see Me-Maw, he thinks for a minute, and then says, "No, go see Me-Maw." But if I ask him if he wants to see GRANDMA, he says, "Yes! See Me-Maw." So in his mind, it's Grandma, but it comes out Me-Maw :)

I remember when he couldn't even reach the doorbell :(

These pictures were taken several weeks ago (once again, I'm behind) and at that time, Nathan liked to pretend that he saw rabbits. He'd pick them up and bring them to me and we'd pet these imaginary bunnies. It was so cute. Here he is showing Grandma the bunnies.

Grandma played right along and loved holding the bunnies she didn't know she had in her apartment :)

The figurines on Grandma's windowsill are the next thing Nathan loves to play with. He knows he's not supposed to pick them up because they're breakable, but each time we go over there, he pushes the limits a little bit more. Every time I think he's going to try to pick one up, I'll say "No, no Nathan." And he says, "Just touch Mommy" very innocently like he would never dream of not following the rules...yeah right!

My happy boy

Nathan, Mama, and Grandma.

"Mama, you always have goodies in your purse...I like this bracelet!"

This is the next favorite activity...jumping off the stool! It's usually kept under the chair Mama is sitting on. Nathan always remembers to pull it out and puts on a show for us. I remember being so scared he'd hurt himself when he first tried to do this when he first started walking. Now he's a pro!

There he goes!

And the last main thing he always does at Grandma's house is to go into her room, and get into mischief. I've caught him changing the time on Grandma's clock, playing in her closet with her shoes, climbing on her freshly made bed, and playing in her shower :) On this day, he pulled the stuffed animals off this bench and pretended to go to sleep. He was a good boy in her room on this day!

He loves this doggy that Grandma keeps for him to play with. And when we leave, he always (well....almost always) puts it right back where he found it.

Nathan kept laughing about feeling the cold air coming out of the air conditioner. I love his smile!

Nathan and Mommy.
And here's a video of Nathan running down the hall, acting silly.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh my! You run so fast, Nathan! I know Grandma loves for you to visit her.

~Auntie Carrie