Friday, February 24, 2012

Flat Tire

A few days ago Mommy got a flat tire. Why am I always the one to run over a nail or screw?! Wayne was pretty sure that the nail was in a spot that could be plugged but when we took it into Firestone, they found a SECOND nail! And it was in a spot that couldn't be repaired. So Wayne got to buy me a new romantic! Nathan and Charlotte loved being able to help their daddy change the tire (we had to put the spare on to get it to the tire place.) I love how Nathan can be so silly and cute one minute and then turn into a little man the next when he feels he is really needed by his daddy. He was very grown up about changing the tire and taking care of Charlotte so she didn't get hurt :)


Carrie said...

That is the cutest thing ever!!! I also love that Wayne LETS them "help." A lot of dads would probably want to hurry up and get the tire fixed and not want "help."

Anonymous said...

I can see that Nathan and Charlotte really helped with the flat much fun to help Daddy. Much better than the filling station man. Love, Mama and Papa