Friday, February 24, 2012

Toy Catalog

This is one of Nathan's favorite things to do, and now Charlotte is catching on. Whenever we get a toy catalog in the mail, Nathan gets so excited! He and Daddy can sit in his chair for an hour looking at all of the new toys. Nathan was so sweet with Charlotte on this night. Even though this is something he and Daddy just do, Nathan wanted Charlotte to join them too. He said, "Charlotte, do you want to see some babies?" Of course she's not going to pass that up, so she and Nathan climbed into Daddy's lap and discussed what they could get for their birthday presents, friend's birthday presents, and just for fun :)


Carrie said...

Pearce can't wait until he gets to look at a toy catalog with his daddy!!! So fun!!

Anonymous said...

How cute!! I know Daddy loves looking at the toys about those babies ...just one more and not from the toy store. Love, Mama and Papa