Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Nathan's Coming!

We're going to see him soon!

Let's hurry it up with the epidural.

Since our family wasn't there yet, Jenn stayed with us.

Feeling good after the epidural.

Wayne and I...and pretty much everyone else in Labor and Delivery were in complete shock. How could I already be that far along and still be walking?! I was in shock, but so excited!!!! I was also a little nervous. We had planned on having a c-section, but since I was already so far along, we decided against it. So we got checked into our room, and Wayne spent the next hour calling everyone to let them know that Nathan was coming today. We had called our parents earlier that morning and told them that they MAY want to start driving up, but then Wayne called back and told them to DEFINITELY get here as soon as they could. It was so exciting! By this time, the contractions were a little unbearable, and I was ready for my epidural. I maybe could have gone longer, but since I completely misjudged being in labor, I sure didn't want to miss the window of opportunity for an epidural! My friend Jennifer and her little boy Jack came to the hospital to keep us company while we waited for the big event. It really was a surreal experience. I had always wished he would come early!

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