Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nathan Laughing

I've got to set this up first before you watch the video. Nathan has been smiling and cooing for a while now but hasn't really laughed outloud. We've used all sorts of fancy toys and music to try to get his laugh out. Really we act like complete idiots trying to impress him. Yesterday I was getting ready to go on a walk with my neighbor so I put Nathan in the pack and play while I changed my clothes. He hasn't spent any time in his pack and play yet so I wasn't sure he'd like it. After I laid him down, I gave the bear mobile (which isn't battery operated) a quick spin. Then it happened! He started laughing everytime I spun the bears. And the bears aren't anything special, but hesure loved them! Ok, now watch the video :)


Anonymous said...

My baby Nate is soooo precious! Another milestone for him. I can't wait to see him this weekend and make him laugh for me!

Anonymous said...

Mama and Papa laughed almost as much as Nathan.