Monday, October 27, 2008

Gymboree Halloween Party

Today at Gymboree, all of the kids came dressed in their Halloween costumes. It was so much fun and all of the kids looked so cute. Well, they looked really cute at the beginning of class, but by the end, most of the kids were a little disheveled :)

Nathan is a big, scary, lion this year! Can you tell that he loves wearing the head part?

He actually wore the hood for a long time in the beginning but then kept trying to pull it off. His little fingers would end up pulling the yarn loops out of his mane. So I gave him a break from the hat for a while.

Here are Nathan's friends: Thorne the golfer, Lauren the fairy, and Nate the lion

I know Lauren and Nathan are only 14 months old, but they sure do like each other and seem a little flirty at times :)

"So...Lauren...would you want to go get a Happy Meal together...I mean if your mommy and my mommy say it's OK?"

It was so funny to watch Nathan trying to navigate his way up and down the slides and on all of the play equipment. Half the time his lion head would be down over his eyes, and he kept running into everything (and kids)!

Thorne's outfit cracked me up!

Guess which two kiddos snuck away from the group to rummage through cabinets and drawers????

"Lauren, will you marry me in 28 years?"

"Of course, my little Nater-Tot."


Carrie said...

Nate, you are the CUTEST lion cub ever! All of your friends looked so cute, too! I especially loved Lauren's outfit....I think it's very sweet that you asked her to marry you in 28 years!

Auntie Carrie

Anonymous said...

Nathan, you are the cutest lion ever! very scary too :)