Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend in Austin Day 1

Nathan and I took a road trip to Austin to visit Auntie Carrie while she was on Spring Break. Carrie and I had a little shopping to do so we figured we'd get that out of the way in the very beginning and then spend the rest of our time doing fun things with Nathan. We got into town at lunch time and since I was craving a fattening milkshake, we met at Steak N Shake for a bite of lunch before we shopped.

I ordered Nathan a mini burger thinking that was healthier since it was a smaller portion. He did like it, but decided it was better without the bun!

After Carrie and I hit a few stores, Nathan wanted to get out of the stroller and walk. He found this fountain and was so excited!

"Water, Water!!!" is what Nathan kept yelling. Auntie Carrie gave him some pennies to throw into the fountain, and he thought that was the most fun.

"I know she has to have more money in here."

After Nathan pulled out Carrie's makeup bag and dumped it on the ground, she decided to help the impatient little guy get a few more coins.

After shopping, Nathan was worn out. We went home to take a nap and then took Nathan to get a haircut. His last one was before Christmas!

Is that not the sweetest face you've ever seen? Nathan was a really good boy during his haircut. It helped that he was able to watch cartoons and sit in a fire truck!

And because he was so good, he got a lolly pop! Look at this sweet face, you would never believe how he acted right before he got his lolly. Lucky for you I have the video....The title of this video is "Give me my lolly...and I mean NOW!!!"

And now we're back to being Mr. Polite :)

Only Auntie Carrie would let Nathan have a Go Gurt (yogurt in a tube) in the bathtub!

"This definitely makes bath time so much more fun!"

And after our dinner and yogurt bath, Carrie got out the playdoh. Nathan's first instinct was to eat it...story of his life...but he soon got the idea.

"Look Auntie Carrie, this is how you roll it into a ball."

"I made a fish!"

We ended the night with story time. Nathan had so much fun, but was also SO tired!

Kisses to everyone, especially Otis, before bed time.


Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

I love Nathan! I can't believe he is so big now! (and Aunt Carrie's hair is so pretty and long :) ) Miss you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nathan, you are just adorable! Reece loves lollipops too. Next time you come over, I'll have to make sure Reece shares some with you!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness, Nate....I had so much fun with you and your mommy last weekend! You were such a good little boy...only a few fits :-) I was very sad when you left. I showed my kids at school the video of you throwing a fit over your sucker....the kids thought it was soooo funny! You are starting to be more independent and want to do things your way....that's o.k. We still love you!!!!!! Next time I see you, I'll bring the play-doh.

Auntie Carrie