Friday, July 9, 2010

Charlotte's Sweet Smile

Two weeks ago, Charlotte started smiling "real" smiles. They started out being every once in a while when I talked to her, but now she smiles all the time! She also talks to me. If I say "ohhhhh" to her, she will copy me. It's the cutest thing! Sometimes it takes her a while to get the sound out, but you can tell she's trying really hard with her mouth. Once she makes the "ohhhh" sound, she's on a roll and it will get louder and louder. I think it's so amazing that even though she's only 8 weeks old, she is already learning things!

Here is Charlotte smiling at one of Grandma's friends. We went to visit her last week, but I got stopped in the lobby before I got to Grandma's apartment because all of her friends wanted to see Charlotte! And she was such a sweet baby to them. She let everyone hold her and talk to her. I loved that she made all of them so happy.

These last pictures aren't smiling pictures, but I thought they were cute. I'm trying to take pictures of Charlotte in all of her cute clothes because she's growing out of them so fast! This one is from Auntie Carrie :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Charlotte is soooo sweet and cute! I must say that I LOVE that green outfit on her :-) I love how Nathan is always so happy to be around her. Was he excited to see her when he got back from Austin? I miss my little buddy :(