Thursday, August 12, 2010

Charlotte is 3 Months Old

How can my little baby already be 3 months old?! I feel like we are all really getting into the groove of things. Charlotte's naps and feeding times are more predictable now so I'm able to plan things pretty well. But I still don't have her on a set schedule. She just goes wherever Nathan and I go. I just feed her before we leave, and she usually falls asleep in the car. I figure when Nathan starts back to school (Mother's Day Out) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I will get us on a better schedule.

I have to say that my little Charlotte is the best baby ever! She is sleeping until 7:00 (sometimes 7:30) and never cries unless she's hungry or tired. And once she gets fed or rocked, she's fine. She is smiling so much now and even does a breathy laugh. It's not a full laugh or giggle yet, but it's getting there. I love to watch Nathan talk to her and try to make her smile. He LOVES it when she smiles at him. Nathan has always loved being with Charlotte, but I think he's enjoying it even more now that she is kind of interacting with him. There are definitely still times that he's not as gentle as he should be (sometimes it's an accident...sometimes it's on purpose) But he's doing better :) Wayne and I are just sure not to leave him alone with her :) The other morning, I brought Charlotte up to Nathan's room to get him up from his nap. Nathan got out of bed and asked to hold Charlotte, so I propped her up in his lap. Then he said, "You can go Mommy. I'll keep her, and I won't hit her." He said it so seriously and genuinely, and he was really sweet with her :)

Although Nathan was at a friend's house playing the morning I took these pictures, it was still hard to juggle propping Charlotte up, adjusting the hat, taking the picture, here are the outtakes :)

And since I have nothing else better to do (like laundry, dinner, clean, pick up/organize toys, and the list goes on) I decided to spend another 30 minutes just taking pictures of my little girl. This is one of the dresses that I wore as a baby, and my mom saved. It was also her going home dress, but it was really big on her then. Now, it fits perfectly.


Carrie said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. She is absolutely PERFECT! I love her chubby cheeks and chubby legs...totally kissable! I laughed out loud when I read that Nathan said you could leave and he wouldn't hit Charlotte....SWEET BOY! He is such a good boy. Ashley, PLEASE put up the picture of you in that dress when you were a baby!

Kampen Family said...

She's beautiful and she looks so much like you, Ashley!!

Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

I love her! Could she look any more like you?!?