Friday, August 6, 2010

Visiting Grandma

Last week, Nathan, Charlotte, and I went to Grandma's house for a visit. Her friends have really been wanting to see Charlotte so I dressed her up in this adorable dress and bonnet and took her for a visit. Grandma was so happy to see us, and Charlotte was completely happy being held by her great-grandma.

After a while, my mom suggested that we invite some of Grandma's friends to her apartment to see Charlotte (one of the main reasons we came over) but Grandma didn't want to share! It was so funny! So instead of inviting all of them over, Mom took Charlotte and Nathan to the main living area where they were and showed her off.

After giving Grandma's friends a chance to see the baby, Grandma took her over again and Mom and Nathan played Toy Story Memory (Mama stopped at Target on her way over). Nathan understood the idea of matching the characters, but didn't understand why you leave them in rows :) He just had fun shuffling through the cards and finding two of everything!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Awww...Charlotte looks like a little baby doll!! So, Grandma didn't want to share, huh? Now I see where mom gets it from...ha! They are both "baby hogs!" I'm sure Nathan had so much fun playing that cute!