Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Day of School

Nathan had his first day of "school" on Thursday. It's actually Mother's Day Out at my church, but we call it school :) Nathan is going to go two days a week this year (last year he only went 1 day), and we are both so excited! We spent this last week getting everything ready, and on Tuesday, we went to Open House at the church to meet his teachers and friends. Luckily, a lot of the kids that were in his class last year are in his class again this year too. His teachers seemed so sweet! I was so relieved because we really loved his teachers last year. While Miss April was going over the schedule, Nathan leaned over to me and said, "Mommy, look at her toenails. They're so pretty." He loved that they were red :)

Even though it's a class full of 3 year olds, Miss April used to teach Kindergarten so she is doing a lot of the same things she did at her school. They have calendar time, class jobs, language activities, math, music, chapel, romp, snack time, playground time, and rest time. It is a full day!

Here he is with all of his gear: a nap mat, back pack, lunch box, and stuffed toy to sleep with.

Of course, I carried everything else except for his back pack :)

Is this a cute pose or what?!

And here he is outside of his classroom. The main thing I was worried about was Nathan using the potty in a new place. I thought he might not want to stop having fun to tell his teachers he had to potty, but when I picked him up that afternoon, he was still in the same clothes I dropped him off in and still had on his same underwear, so we didn't have any accidents! Nathan went into his class really happily and was just as excited when I picked him up. His job for the week was to hold the American Flag during the pledge :) I was so happy he had a good day!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Absolutely adorable!! Nathan, I am so glad you like school. I know your teachers think you are the sweetest, smartest, nicest little boy ever! I am so proud of you for using the potty like a big boy!