Friday, January 4, 2008

Mama Pearce

Before Wayne's family came for the game, my parents stopped by for a few days to visit us, but mainly to see Nathan.

Daddy (Papa) loves to take Nathan and Cookie for walks. Nathan could be crying up a storm, but as soon as he gets in his stroller, he is as calm as can be!

"Let's go around the block another time Papa!"

Our other favorite thing to do is give Nathan a bath. He is so cute in the tub now! He really loves sucking on his washcloth :)

I just want to squeeze and kiss every inch of this sweet baby!

"I don't want to get out yet!"

"I'm sorry I cried Mommy."

"It's only 10:00 at night...let's play!"

While my parents were visiting, we found out that my grandmother, Mama Pearce (my dad's mom) passed away. We drove to Springfield Tuesday night for Mama Pearce's funeral. Although the reason for going was sad, it was wonderful to be with my family again. Being with family was what Mama Pearce loved most.

My sisters, Lisa and Missy, can't get enough of Nathan!

Lisa's husband, Max and Nathan

Mama and Nate

This is Mama Pearce's sister, June. Nathan was so good with everyone and loved being passed around and loved on!

My nephews Jake and Robert. They just discovered static electricity!

My sister Jen got some baby time in too.

Lauren and Nicole looking glamorous!

"Has anyone else tried sucking on your hand? It is SO GOOD!"

Four of my sweet nieces: Nicole, Taylor, Victoria, and Haleigh

Mama Pearce lived 96 wonderful years. She was such a sweet and generous woman who loved her family. I am so thankful that Nathan was able to meet her a few weeks ago during our Christmas visit. She loved him so much. And Wayne and I were so proud of our little boy for making her happy.
Zola Eva Pearce

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