Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Playing with Friends

In all of Nathan's 5 1/2 months, he has made lots of new friends. We like to stay busy by going to Gymboree, out to lunch, and to playdates. Here are some pictures of our busy boy.

My neighbor Alison and I decided to do our own Mother's Day Out program. We take turns watching each other's babies while the other one has a few hours of freedom! Nathan and I hosted first and had the best time playing with Lauren! They were so sweet to each other!

"Lauren, do you want to play with my doggy?"

"It's OK Lauren, you can chew on his ear."

"Look Mommy, I'm sharing!"

"I think I'll chew on his other ear." Doesn't this remind you of the spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp? So cute!

They love to hold each other's hands!

"I didn't steal the animal...Lauren gave it to me, I promise." I got a taste of what it would be like to have 2 babies at once, and I think it might be a while before Nathan has a little brother or sister! My free day is tomorrow, I can't wait!

Earlier that week several moms from our Gymboree class got together for another play group. Nathan really is a social little guy! He loves to watch other babies

Here's a group picture.

Nathan and Lauren. "Roll over here Lauren!" This wasn't on the same day (notice the different clothes) but it's cute :)

Nathan and Natalie. How cute is that? Nate and Nat!

Nathan and Luke. Luke kept trying to get up but Nathan just didn't want to let go :)

"Come on Luke, you can roll over. Here, I'll help you." Luke was a very good sport to put up with Nathan's horseplay!

This is an outfit my grandmother bought Nathan. He looked so cute in it!

Last Saturday, my friend Jennifer Anderson (next to me) came to visit, and we met for breakfast at Atlanta Bread Company. This was the first time I tried to put Nathan in a high chair at a restaurant. He loved it! I think he was trying to act big because Jack was sitting in one
Both babies are actually looking at the camera! Me, Anderson, Angela, and Jennifer (Jack's mom is taking the picture).

"Let me help you roll up your sleeves Jack."

"Thanks Nate, and let me help you zip up your sweater."

"Oooooh Jack, you're going to get in trouble for banging on the table!"

"Oh, who cares, I want to do it too!"
After breakfast, Jennifer and I decided that since the boys had so much fun together, we'd make a day of it. We each gave them a nap and then met at Jennifer and Jack's house for more fun.
Nathan was in heaven with all of Jack's toys! There were so many to taste!

Nick (Jack's Daddy) came home to two worn out kiddos. While I got our things packed up, he gave them their bottles.
We had a great week...busy...exhausting...but fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my Nate! You are very popular...and quite the ladies' man! You and Lauren make a very cute couple. I am so proud of you for sharing all of your toys!