Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandmother!

Wayne's mom Helen just turned 60 and we were all there to help her celebrate. Since this was a big birthday, we all decided that it would be fun to surprise her. We told Helen we were going to take her out to eat for her birthday. Little did she know there was a big group of family and friends waiting for her! Tiffany (my sister in law) and I snuck away early saying we had to run by the store to get some juice for Nathan and then we headed to the restaurant to get everything set up. We are so sneaky!

Here is Helen when she first walked in. She was so surprised!

Here's a group shot

Opening cards and presents

Wayne and Lexa

Here is a "glamour shot" of Helen blowing out her candles!

For Helen's birthday gift we got her a locket bracelet and put a picture of all of her grandchildren in it. Grandmother loved it!

Nathan and Daddy playing with the balloons.

Mommy and Nathan

Tiffany gave Nathan some wrist rattles. I love these because he can't lose them or drop them on the ground. Nathan couldn't stop looking at them!
"When are we cutting the cake?"

Logan, our nephew, loved dipping his crackers in Ranch dressing. He loved it so much that he decided to lick the plate to finish it off :)

How funny!

Nathan with Uncle Stuart

Nathan and his cousin Lexa. They were so cute together. They really do love to talk and play with each other.

"Peek a Boo"


Anonymous said...

From Aunt Carrie:

Nate, it looks like you gave Grandmother a fun birthday party! I loved seeing you with your cousins. You are looking so big!

Anonymous said...

Helen you are the most beautiful 60 year old I know. I know you had a great time with all those babies and their parents. Happy Birthday, Pam