Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Mama and Papa came to visit a few days ago. Wayne and I got our Valentine's Day card plus all of our favorite chocolates. I'm embarrassed to say there is none left :) And Nathan got one of his first cards too! We had a wonderful, relaxing Valentine's Day. Nathan even got a visit from his girlfriend Kelly who personally delivered a Valentine to him!

He was very interested in his card!

"That teddy has cheeks like mine!"

Mom went to Gymboree with us and bought Nathan a little gift, a Gymboree CD (which we both love) and these balls to play with. They are perfect for him because he can get his little fingers in the holes to hold them.

"Who wants to play?"

Here's our little boy in his baseball pajamas. It is way past his bedtime, but you wouldn't know it because he was having so much fun showing off.

"I'll do more tummy time if you let me stay up."

And these pictures are from today at Gymboree. Nathan is mesmerized by the teacher blowing bubbles!

He was so cute when the bubbles fell around him. He kept trying to grab them!

And Nathan LOVES the parachute! I laid him down on it, and he kept pulling it up around him.

*Look at the post below to see Nathan's 6 month pictures :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We told Cookie all about our visit to Gymboree. She likes to play ball too. Papa and I think little Nate will be captain of the team some day. Love, Mama