Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Weekend

This weekend was absolutely beautiful! Nathan had a slight ear infection, nothing major, so we spent most of the weekend inside resting, but we did sneak out a few times :) At the doctor's office, he said that Nathan's gums were swollen which means that teeth aren't far away!

"When are we going for a stroll?"

A friend of Wayne's from work gave us this jogging stroller! We love it! Now I don't have an excuse not to get out and exercise.

Nathan loves mirrors and looking at himself. When I put him in front of my full length mirror, he was so amazed at the baby looking back at him! It was so cute, he kept touching his reflection and trying to grab it, but then the mirror would swing back! He finally learned to hold onto the side of the mirror to keep that cute baby in front of him :)

"My name is Nathan, nice to meet you."

"Mommy, the baby talked back!"

"Daddy, did you see that?!"

"I'm so happy I have a new friend to play with whenever I want!"

This is a toy that Nathan LOVED playing with over at Jack's house, so of course, we had to buy him one. Although Nathan isn't crawling just yet, he loves to pull up and stand! He's a little wobbly though.

"This is so much fun."

He loves the wheel and plays with it like he's driving!

But just because he likes to stand, Nathan can't get out of tummy time! I'm always looking for ways to make it more fun. Yesterday, it was a squeaking doggy that kept him entertained. At first he was laughing SO HARD but by the time I got my camera, Nate was only doing his "half" laugh.


Anonymous said...

Nate, I'm glad you found a new friend to play with in the mirror! You just get cuter and funnier each day! I didn't know you could pull yourself're such a big boy. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Nathan Mama has to tell you a story about the mirror. When your Mommy and Aunt Carrie were just your age, Papa bought me that pretty mirror for our bedroom. I loved it. AND our little twins loved it. They crawled back and forth. The mirror would smack them on the head or other places , and I thought, " Now they will stop messing with my mirror." But Oh! No! They solved that problem when one held it still, and the ohter would crawl back and forth looking at themselves, admiring themselves. Then they decided to swing the mirror back and forth , that trick was like riding on a merry-go- round. So then when they were getting married and trying on their wedding dresses, they walked into my bedroom to see themselves, but the mirror wouldn't stay still, it kept swinging. Guess why? Love, Mama