Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dallas Arboretum

Today my friend Meredith and I took Nathan to the Arboretum. Nathan is now a flower expert! It was a bit cloudy so we were a little worried about it raining but it turned out to be a perfect day! We got in a long walk and then had lunch outside. Nathan was happy the whole time and made friends with anyone who would look at him! As soon as someone would smile him, Nathan always smiled back and his little head turned to follow them as they walked past. He was so cute!

If you can't tell, this is a squirrel eating berries!

A group of older women walked by while I was taking these next pictures. They were so sweet and stopped to talk to him. Boy did Nathan put on a show for them!

I am always so proud of him and love it when everyone else thinks he's as adorable as I do!

"Hmmmm, let's go take the trail to the right. I saw some really pretty flowers down there."


Anonymous said...

Oh! No! Another man with a map! But since you are so cute in your hat, we'll follow you anywhere. Love, Mama and Papa

Anonymous said...

Nathan looks adorable in his little hat. Just too cute!
Thanks for giving me the link to your family blog. I really enjoyed reading your postings. You are doing a great job keeping it updated. I'll have to visit often and see what else Nathan is up to.

Anonymous said...

From Aunt Carrie:

I'm glad you had fun at the Arboretum. You looked so cute in your outfit. Were you a smiling happy baby the whole time??? I bet you were!

Unknown said...

Ashley, Nathan is too cute! I teach with Carrie and she gave us your web address a while ago. I was wondering if you could help me figure out how to post pictures on the blog? Our's is

Becky Fenn said...

Nathan is so cute - and getting so big. I just caught up with him and love your blog!! My favorite is the video of him cute! Hope all is well. We need to get Nathan and Natalie together soon!