Boy, was I wrong about Nathan being too young. He had so much fun!
He even figured out how to put the tokens in and won some tickets for Alexandra and Robert.
"As long as you keep giving me tokens, I'll keep winning you tickets!"
Nathan and Alexandra taking the car out for a spin. He loved this car and would hop in and out of it. We actually saved tokens with Nathan because he didn't know the difference if a game was really working or not.
Here he is with his friend, Clifford.
"Thanks Mama for all of the tokens, food, and fun. I'll make Daddy take me next time."
These next pictures are of Nathan and Otis, my sister's dog. I swear Nathan might actually think he's part dog...or that Otis and Cookie are part kid :)
"What? If Otis can sit here, why can't I?"
"I love you Otis, even if you do drool more than me."
Ahhh, love the pics at the end of my two babies! I swear, Otis and Cookie are the best doggies with kids! I was so bummed that I missed Chuck E. Cheese! I LOVE their pizza, but on that day, I couldn't even think about food!
Auntie Carrie
I never did like Chuck E till I went with all my babies. It really was fun and gee! for just $20 we won a little package of clay..What a great deal! It was a fun afternoon. Next we all need to go bowling. Love, Mama
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