Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Aunt Jennifer and Robert

I used to be so good about posting by blog entries right away, but I have somehow gotten WAY behind. It's either because we've been so busy and have so many events to right about, or it's because I've been procrastinating and haven't managed my time well. Or maybe it's a combination of the two. But I am determined to get back on track and not let so much time go by in between my entries.

Three weeks ago (has it really been that long?!) my sister, Jennifer, and my nephew, Robert, came to Dallas for a visit. Robert is so sweet with Nathan, and Nathan completely adores Robert. Now I'm convinced that Nathan needs a brother or sister so he can have a playmate! It was so great because Jen and I could really visit and hang out while Nathan played with Robert.

On this day, Nathan and I drove to Mama and Papa's house and then went swimming with Robert at their neighborhood pool. As soon as we get to my parents' house, Nathan makes himself right at home. He loves to play outside with Cookie, look at the birdies, drink juice boxes, and pretty much do anything he wants. He totally has Mama and Papa wrapped around his finger :)

Nathan and Robert walking to the pool.

The next day, Robert, Jen, and Mama ran a few errands and then headed to my house after Nathan's nap. Robert was so sweet and picked out a new book for Nathan. It's a robot book that lights up and makes sounds. It is definitely Nathan's new favorite book. Thanks "Robbie!" That's Nathan's nickname for Robert :)

We also squeezed in a trip to Hawaiian Falls. It's a water park that is right by my house. I don't know who had more fun...Robert, Nathan, or ME! I love water parks and amusement parks. I just need some kids to take so I have an excuse to ride all of the rides!

Nathan misses his Aunt Jen and Cousin Robert and wants them to come back to visit soon! We love you two and had so much fun together!


Carrie said...

Well, it's about time for a new post....GEEZE! Nathan, I'm glad you had so much fun with Aunt Jen and Cousin Robert! It looked like Hawaiian Falls was a blast. Tell your mommy to not get behind on the blog again!

Auntie Carrie

Anonymous said...

We like the water. Cookie always misses everyone when they leave. She just plops down and looks so sad...her little boys aren't here to chase and throw balls and share treats with. I know we will have fun at the beach...can't wait. Love, Mama and Papa