Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mrs. Luigs, Nathan's Preschool Teacher

This is Nathan's new preschool teacher. We went last week to meet her, and to see Nathan's new school. For the last two years, Nathan has gone to Prestonwood, our church. But they only offer two days. I wanted him to go to a 3 day program to get him used to going more days since he'll be starting kindergarten the next year (that makes me so sad!). Two of my friends have had their kids enrolled in St. Andrew's program, so we decided to switch. And we are so happy with it! It's a smaller school with smaller classes and it seems more academic, as far as a 4 year old preschool goes. There are 4 boys and 6 girls in Nathan's class, and Mrs. Luigs is so sweet! When we met her, she gave Nathan a big hug and showed him all around his classroom. Nathan drew her a picture (the one I put in a previous post). We also brought her a muffin and orange juice from Starbucks...nothing wrong with sucking up early! Nathan was so sweet and talkative, and didn't want to leave. He kept asking me why he couldn't start school that day!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

She is going to LOVE Nathan!!!!