Sunday, September 4, 2011

Silly Faces

I'm going to need to buy some more Windex! One day, while Wayne and I were in his office, Nathan and Charlotte were playing in the hallway, and they started making silly faces at each other through the windows of the office doors. Then Wayne showed Nathan how to push his face up to the glass and make even sillier faces. Charlotte thought this was so funny and was trying to give Nathan kisses through the glass. And so we started a new hobby. In these pictures, you can see they are in 3 different outfits because they have spent a whole week doing this! It was so funny at first, but now the glass is a mess!

And this is the cute little dress that Mama made for Charlotte. I love that she is laughing in this picture!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love how Charlotte does whatever Nathan does...that's going to be good and bad! I love her cute dress, too!