Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Playing Outside

Now that Charlotte is bigger and the weather is nicer, Nathan and Charlotte want to spend every minute they can outside. Charlotte absolutely loves the red car and will spend 30 minutes getting in and out, honking the horn, and "driving" it. Then the two of them run around in the yard. Nathan tells Charlotte to chase him, and she does it! They will even play ball together. I can tell that Nathan is having so much fun with Charlotte because she really interacts with him, and LOVES to copy everything he does. In fact, the other day Charlotte was pushing her babies in her baby stroller and Nathan was pulling his backpack (it has wheels) behind him. Charlotte watched him for a little while and then turned her stroller around and started pulling it behind her and following her brother. It was so cute, and I can tell that Nathan has so much fun now telling her what to do and watching her copy him!

And just like Nathan, Charlotte is a fan of Capri Suns. When they go over to Grandmother's house, whenever Nathan gets one out, he gets one for Charlotte too!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love how she is just looking at Nathan in those pictures. How lucky of Charlotte to have such a sweet big brother to look up to :)