Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me!

One of my friends told me about this funny blog where every Monday she posts her "not me" things for the week. They are so funny to read. Anyway, I thought I would try to come up with a few. I soon found out I had more than I probably should!

1. I did not keep Nathan home from Gymboree because he was sick and didn't want him to pass anything on to his friends, but instead take him to the mall play area to play. Just because I don't know any of those kids, doesn't mean I don't care if they get Nathan's germs. That would be so irresponsible!

2. Because I am so sweet, I did not get mad when Nathan's usual 2 hour nap was cut short to 45 minutes because the UPS guy banged on the door twice and rang the doorbell 3 times. He was just doing his job. And of course I didn't yell out "Thanks for waking up my baby!" I was just thankful Nathan got a 45 minute power nap.

3. On Thursday, I did not turn down the baby monitor in the morning so that I could pretend I didn't hear Nathan wake up and try to get a few more minutes of sleep.

4. I am so thankful I did not find Nathan crawling up the stairs last week because I forgot to close the gate. Mommy never forgets ANYTHING!

5. Thank goodness Nathan knows what is right and wrong and that I've never found him playing in the toilet water or digging in Mommy's eyeshadow and rubbing in on the floor. I would DIE if that happened!

6. And I certainly did not tell Wayne that I had some important "errands" to run just so I could get out of the house for a while. I mean, why in the world would I want to sit at Starbucks for an hour drinking a Caramel Macchiato and reading a magazine when I could be at home reading Nathan's favorite book to him over...and over... and OVER... again!?


Carrie said...

Ash, who wrote this entry? I know you didn't because you are a good mommy and would never EVER do any of those things.....right? :-)

Heath and Adriana Stacey said...


Unknown said...

I'm glad you did your "not me's", I felt silly the first time I did my "not me's" then I saw that you did it too- so I will post mine again this week! You better post yours too!