Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Auntie Carrie Meets Charlotte!

Carrie wasn't able to come the week that Charlotte was born, so she came the next week and stayed for 5 days. It actually worked out better because Wayne had to go out of town, and I was so thankful I didn't have to be alone with two kids just yet :) When Carrie is here, it's like a vacation for me. She wanted to do everything for Charlotte and Nathan...Carrie when are you coming back?!

I loved seeing her reaction when she first saw Charlotte!

I think the only time Carrie didn't hold Charlotte was when she was either asleep at night or playing with Nathan. I just took it easy and got caught up on rest!

Carrie always brings Nathan a present, and this time, she went BIG! She got Nathan a basketball goal!

Nathan loves to watch basketball with his daddy. When Carrie told Nathan she had a surprise for him, she told him to close his eyes, and then she brought in the box. Nathan's reaction was priceless! He put his hands on his cheeks and said, "OH...MY...GOODNESS!!!" Then he started running around the house SCREAMING with excitement, saying "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" It was hilarious!

And when Daddy got home, Nathan couldn't wait to show him his new toy. He and Wayne have been playing basketball constantly! Pretty soon, I'm going to have to move it outside...I'm always worried Nathan is going to break something in my house! He gets crazy with that basketball!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I miss my sweet babies! I loved taking care of her a bath, changing her clothes (like 20 times), and just holding her. Nathan, I had so much fun playing with you! You crack me up with all of your funny sayings! I'm so glad you like your basketball goal. I'll see you soon!