Monday, May 3, 2010

A Swing Set for Big Brother Nathan

Wayne and I have been wanting to get a swing set for Nathan for a while. At first we decided we'd get it for him for his birthday. Even though it's in August, we just thought we'd give it to him early. Then we decided it would be even better to give it to him before Charlotte is born, and tell him it's because he's going to be a big brother. So the pressure was on to pick out the right one AND try to have it finished before the baby comes! We picked it up two weeks ago, and Wayne has done an amazing job putting it together (yes, he has done the whole thing on his own!)

Mommy and Nathan relaxing while Daddy organizes the 5,000 parts!

"Daddy, this sure is a big job, but I'll be a good helper!"

Nathan was so excited to see all of the parts of his swing set. We spent the whole first day playing in the garage while Wayne made sense of all the boxes, screws, and parts.

Nathan trying out the glider

Nathan really was such a good little helper. Any time Wayne asked him to do something, he acted so grown up, and did whatever it was his Daddy asked.

Wayne gave him an extra tape measure, and if Wayne started to measure something, Nathan got his tape measure out and did the exact same thing. It was so sweet to watch.

"OK buddy, first we're going to do this, and then we're going to do that."

"No, I think we need to do it my way...let me see those directions."

"Wait a minute, this isn't making sense...there aren't any fun pictures."

"So I'm just going to play with these goggles I found in Daddy's tool box,"

"And ride my 4-wheeler. Daddy, let me know when you're finished."

During the first week, Wayne worked on the swing set in the garage every night after work. He assembled it in steps (rock wall, roof, ladder, parts of the frame, etc...)with the idea that he'd put the base of it together in the yard during the weekend and then attach all of the other parts he had been working on.

Parts 2 and 3 are after this entry.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So exciting......can't wait to see how it turns out!