Daddy finished the ladder, and Nathan couldn't wait to try it out.
Nathan kept pretending he was in his castle :)
And Wayne also finished the rock wall! I honestly could not believe how much he was able to do. Plus, he didn't get too stressed out about it :) I tried not to pressure him too much...all I said was "As long as it's finished before Charlotte gets here, I'll be happy."
The roof is finished and so is the main "fort" area. All that's left to do is attach the slide and swings. Nathan even ate his lunch on his little stool. He also likes to play "grocery store." He and I will take turns being the clerk and customer :) He sells me peanut butter sandwiches, grapes, cars, trains, puppies, you name it! And the price is always really reasonable...$700 dollars :)
Here is the back and side. The swings are going to be attached on the right side and the slide will be on the side by the pool. Charlotte will be here in 5 days, so Wayne better get to work! I can't wait to show you the end result!
I can't wait to play with Nay Nay on his new swing set!!! Wayne, I am very proud of you!!!!!
So you took pictures after the installer's left each day and made it look like Wayne put that thing together? Genius!!!
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