Monday, May 3, 2010

Planting Flowers with Grandmother

I've said it before, but I'll say it again...I have the best mother-in-law ever! Last week, Helen came over and planted tons of flowers for me! I have been wanting to spruce up the front of my house, but the idea of planting flowers when I'm about to have a baby did not appeal to me :) So Helen quickly volunteered to be my landscaper. She came over one afternoon to watch Nathan while I went flower shopping. I had the best time picking everything out...I just hope I can keep them alive!

Nathan was so excited to help Grandmother! He had his own shovel, and would dig in the dirt right along with her.

Here he is searching for worms :) Whenever he would find one, he would get so excited!

While Grandmother was digging the holes, Nathan kept saying, "You can do it Grandmother! I so proud of you!" Then he would put the soil into his own flower pot and pretend he was planting his own flowers.

I love how Nathan likes to pose! I told him Mommy wanted to take a picture of him planting flowers, and he said, "OK, I get my chair and I be right back." And he politely went over to Grandmother and told her he needed her chair (which she was sitting on at the time) He brought it over to me, pulled his flower pot in front of him, and then smiled for me :) At least he did return the stool to Grandmother when we were finished taking pictures.

After working hard in the front yard, they moved to the back yard the next day. And here is the end result...

These are 3 Knockout Rose Bushes in the front left corner.

Pink Begonias on both sides of the walkway by the front door.

And 3 of these purple plants (I can't remember the names of them) with Pentas in between. The flowers on the Pentas have just started coming out and they are so cute! They are red, white, and pink.
Thank you so much Helen! These pictures don't do it really looks great!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Nathan and Grandmother, can you please come to my house and plant flowers for me?