Friday, May 14, 2010

When Charlotte Was Born

We checked into the hospital Sunday night at 10:00 pm so that my doctor could start the inducement first thing Monday morning. It was so surreal to spend all day Sunday with Nathan and Wayne knowing that in a few hours we'd be heading for the hospital! Wayne took Nathan to his mom's house late that afternoon, and we finished last minute things. Then we made the exciting drive! We checked in and actually got a good night's sleep!

The next morning, the nurses came to get us at 6:30 am. They took us down to our Labor and Delivery room where we spent the day until Charlotte was born :)

Dr. Griffith broke my water early that morning and started me on pitocin (to start my contractions), but I wasn't feeling too bad yet.

Mama, Papa, Grandmother, and Nathan kept us company for a while. Then Papa took Nathan home for lunch, a nap, and to wait until his sister was born. Both of our moms stayed at the hospital.

After Nathan left, my contractions started to get really uncomfortable but not unbearable. Our moms were still in the room talking to us, and I was still able to somewhat function. But then they started to get really bad, and I figured it was time for the epidural. Our nurse warned us that it would take 20 minutes to get it started so don't wait until the last minute. Well, I didn't think I was waiting until the last minute, but apparently I was. Within the 30 minutes it took to call a nurse and actually get my epidural, I was in excruciating pain, and said lots of horrible things :) I think I bruised both Wayne and my nurse from squeezing them so hard. It was the worst pain I've ever felt, and I honestly don't know how someone could give birth without drugs!

Here I am after the epidural, able to text updates :) I love those drugs! So I got my epidural around noon, and was ready to start pushing around 1:30 pm, and Charlotte was here at 1:57 pm!

After she was delivered, we got to stay in the labor and delivery room for a good hour. After Wayne and I had our own time together, we let our moms come in, and they couldn't get into our room fast enough!

Mama and Charlotte

Wayne's mom with Charlotte

Then we went to our new room where I would be for the next two days. After Nathan woke up from his nap, Papa brought him down to the hospital. When my dad first held Charlotte, he said she looked just like me.

The next day, Nathan went to school, and then Mom and Dad brought him back to the hospital. Mrs. Sherry printed out a picture I sent her for him to show everyone, and they said he was so proud of his little sister :)

My grandma and Charlotte. Rose was Grandma's mother's name :)

Nathan with his big brother shirt on...he never wanted to pose for me so this is the best I could get :)


Carrie said...

I love the picture of her frowning!

Sheri said...

Wow. Great pictures! I wish I could see her in person. (I miss you and Bubba and Aunt Pam too!)