Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a very busy weekend with our family. We celebrated Mother's Day, my dad's birthday, and Nathan's Dedication. So after Meredith's baby shower we came home to have some fun outside in Nathan's baby pool before Wayne grilled steaks for dinner.

Daddy, Mommy, and little Nate

Don't you just want to squeeze and kiss him?!

"Anyone else want to come in here with me?"
"Ooooooh water!" The hose was like the best toy ever for Nathan to play with!

Daddy is great at multi-tasking; video taping AND relaxing

"I'm ready for my close up!"

Nathan was the entertainment for the afternoon, and here are his adoring fans: Daddy, Grandmother, and Mama.

Aunt Carrie took over the video camera for a while. I mean we can't miss one minute of Nathan's life!
Is somebody thirsty????

After our afternoon outside, we had a wonderful dinner of steaks, salad, baked potatoes, and birthday cake!

"Happy Mother's Day Grandmother and Mama! Those are my footprints!"

Nathan can't take all of the credit for the plates! This is a picture of us the week before at the pottery shop. Saying it was a bit stressful is putting it mildly :) After painting Nathan's feet and making the footprints, I had to paint the plates with 3 coats each! While I'm painting each plate, I also have to keep Nathan happy and keep him from trying to turn around in his highchair and stand up! We had fun though and I think the plates were a huge hit with Grandmother and Mama.

And for my gift, Wayne and Nathan got me a day at the spa! I can't wait! And I've turned into my mom and cry with every card :)

Papa's little helper helped him blow out his candles. Happy Birthday Papa!!! He's 57 ( +10)...ha ha!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Nathan and Mommy for my Mother's Day plate. I just loved it. I am really going to use it. Nathan we can make a plate of cookies and eat all of them...Cookie of course will help us. Love, Mama

Carrie said...

Hey! Who's that fat baby in the pool???? Oh, it's Nate! I had fun watching you splash around....I can't wait to take you to the "real" pool!