Thursday, May 1, 2008

Field Trip

Jennifer, Jack, Nathan, and I went on an all day field trip yesterday. We felt like tourists in our own city! First, we headed downtown to the Aquarium. This wasn't the fancy Dallas World Aquarium, it's the cheap one at Fair Park! But luckily Jack and Nathan are still too young to know the difference! They thought it was great!

A group shot of the four of us.

Nathan really was interested in all of the fish...and the colorful designs around the tanks! Both Jack and Nathan babbled non-stop at all of the exhibits!

When Nathan saw this scary eel, he kicked his feet and yelled, "Dada!" hmmmmmm...

Jack pointed to every single thing we saw and talked like he was telling us all of the interesting facts about that fish.

After seeing all of the fish, we walked around outside and found this huge elephant statue. Of course Jack and Nathan just had to get their pictures taken with it.

He's standing up! "Jack, where are you going?"

We really wanted to get a picture of both boys together but Jack is always on the move...especially when he was his squeaking shoes on!

At least I can still take advantage of the fact that Nathan can't get away from me...yet!

"Jack, you ready for lunch?!"

The aquarium must have been a big adventure for them because as soon as we drove off, Nathan and Jack fell asleep. We let them have a quick nap while we tried to decide where to go for lunch. We knew we had to go somewhere kid friendly so guess what we came up with???

HOOTERS! I know this seems completely inappropriate, but here was our reasoning: We were going to go to Victory Park, but no one was really out. Then we were going to go somewhere in the West End, but it seemed dead too. We also could have gone to the mall, but been there, done that. And then we saw HOOTERS! We did it for the boys. We knew they'd be in Heaven...and they do have great wings :)

"Mommy, I don't know if I should be seeing this."

Of course the waitresses thought Nathan and Jack were the two cutest boys there! We knew their Daddies would be proud...and a bit jealous!

All in all I think the boys had a really great time today. It was definitely a day of firsts!

"Something tells me Mama, Papa, and Grandmother might not bee too happy we went to Hooters."


Anonymous said...

Oh! My!My! Papa couldn't wait to show me your trip to Hooters!! I was gasping while Papa was laughing. Papa said,"Nathan can take me next time." Do you think if Papa wears his cute little shorts, the girls will hold him close? Love, Mama and Cookie

Anonymous said...

Nate looks so cute in his Hooters Shirt! Love all the new pics Ashley & Wayne. Miss you all.
Missy :-)