Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Parnells

We had a wonderful family weekend. Carrie and Chris and Chris' parents, Cliff and Edie, came for a visit. Oh and Otis too! Nathan got so much attention and was a very happy boy! He was so excited to have everyone here that his naps were few and far between!

While we were waiting on Cliff and Edie to get here, we enjoyed the perfect weather outside.

Chris and Carrie

Otis is taking a break from playing fetch with sticks from the yard. Carrie and Chris are trying to teach Otis just to return the stick and not try to eat it!

Nathan and Uncle Chris. Chris is such a natural with Nathan...Uncle Chris, aren't you ready for a little bundle of joy yet????

Nathan definitely remembers Otis and laughed and giggled at everything he did. He especially loved having his feet licked!

"Mommy, he is the funniest dog I've ever seen."

Carrie and I spent the day shopping (It's impossible to do it by myself with Nathan) and went out to lunch together. Carrie was Nathan's mommy for the weekend :)

Daddy and Nathan taking it easy.

Nathan and Uncle Cliff.

Because it was sunny outside, I put Nathan's hat on. I've always been so surprised that he never seems to mind his hat. But he's finally figured out how to take it off. He thought it was so funny to pull it off after I put it on.

Otis is still there Nathan, don't worry.

Since all of the grownups had appetizers and drinks, it was only fair that Nathan get a little snack too.

Nathan with Aunt Edie. "You have the most beautiful lips. "

It was so much fun to have everyone here together. We especially loved being treated to dinner at Truluck's Saturday night! And even though it was Nathan's bedtime, he was a real trooper. He took a little nap while we had our appetizers but then was ready to go when our dinner got to the table! But we all took turns handing him off, looking at the lobsters in the tank, or walking outside. Nathan got so many compliments on his looks and personality...he's a true Parnell!


Carrie said...

Nate, we sure did have fun together! Otis told me that you have the SWEETEST feet! I can't wait to see you next weekend for your church dedication and then you'll get to come to Austin for another visit!!!
I love you Nater-tot!

Anonymous said...

We agree, Nathan is a "true Parnell." Uncle Cliff and Aunt Edie looked really cute with baby Nate. Love those Pearce girls. Otis did you get enough attention? Cookie wants to chase sticks with you. Uncle Chris practice those Daddy're next...I hope. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie

Anonymous said...

Why is Uncle Cliff's wine glass always empty?